Friday, November 16, 2012

Glazing Part 2

I used seaspray and albany slip brown.  They were both dip glazes.  The albany slip brown on top  of the seaspray started to crack and peel off, so I had to wet my finger, smooth out the cracks, and touch up the parts where the layer had chipped off.  I actually like the uneven effect this gave the glaze, so I was happy with the outcome.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Glazing Part 1

- If there's dust or debris, the glaze won't stick to the clay as well and won't absorb, and the dust will be trapped under the glaze coating.  Also, hand oils can repel the glaze, just like is intentionally done with wax-resist on the bottom, and it will come out uneven
-About a second
-It's too thin and drippy, because it isn't made for being painted.  Being submerged ensures an even coating