Friday, September 6, 2013

I miss you too, Mrs. Gleeson!

1.  This summer I went to the summer language institute for Spanish at UVA.  It covered 4 semesters of UVA Spanish and was 8 weeks long from 9-6:30 every day.  It was a very draining but also enriching experience. I was the youngest person in the class and I had never taken Spanish before, but I made alot of really close friends and I can now speak a second language (sort of).  
2. I didn't really have much time to do anything this summer other than study as you can see above...the best movie I've seen lately is probably World's End.
3. Some kind of wheel piece that has a function other than being a vase, teapot, etc that you have to add unusual components to after taking it off the wheel.

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